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22 Januari 2010



Pengenalan Kepada Taekwondo

Taekwondo is a martial art of Korean origin. "Taekwondo" is a Korean term in which "Tae" means legs for kicking and smashing, "Kwon" means hands for blocking and punching and "Do" means the way (i.e the way of the martial art; the way of life).

Taekwondo is exercise. Taekwondo provides a good exercise for children and adults to increase physical endurance. It tones and develops the practitioner's body and muscles and gives good cardiovascular workout. Taekwondo's movements requires extensive use of the joints, which increases the limberness of one's body. Taekwondo is also a great way to relive stress from the kicking, jabbing and shouting involved during training.

Taekwondo is a bare handed martial arts form. Taekwondo forms uses bare hands and legs for attacking the opponent. It has become a worldwide martial art due to it's distinguished powerful and various leg movements that sets it apart from other martial arts. Attacks are agressive but at the same time it also focuses more on the defense aspects. This can act positively for modern people wanting to learn Taekwondo as a way of self defense.

Taekwondo is a sport. It is now the official competitive sport in major world sporting events such as the Olympic Games, Panam Games, All American Games, South American Games, Commonwealth Games, Asian Games, Sea Games etc. Competitive Taekwondo involves safety gear and set attack and defenses, to limit the amount of damage possible. In this way, competitors can enjoy the thrill of competing with lesser risks.

Taekwondo is discipline and moral. To master Taekwondo techniques is not a walk in the clouds. It is a discipline of the body and mind. It not only trains the body but also develops the mind. The objective of learning Taekwondo is to foster the growth in both areas in order to become a more mature human being. The repeated discipline and moral lessons together with the attacks and defense skills builds the character, as one perseveres through training to master acquired skills. As such, discipline, moral and hard work plays a very important role to become an excellent Taekwondo practitioner.

Taekwondo is life. A Taekwondo practitioner cannot disregard the fact that what is learned, disciplined and mastered through Taekwondo training can be adopted in real life. This is the true teaching of Taekwondo. Taekwondo is the way of life for those who understand the true meaning of the "Do".

Taekwondo For You

Taekwondo is for everyone regardless of age or sex. One is never too young or too old to learn the art of Taekwondo.

In Taekwondo, we encourage you to be all that you can be - a good martial artist, a better person in society, be confident and a role model to all. The many aspects gained from Taekwondo such as confidence and coordination can help Taekwondo practitioners, may it be adults or children to be more successful in their day to day basis.

Taekwondo isn’t merely a form of physical competition but also a way to improve one’s body, mind and character.

Taekwondo For Children

In today's world, we feel that children need to learn this more than ever to help them develop into mature human beings with the ability to know right from wrong. The art also develops within the individual a fit body, strong mind and indomitable spirit.

Taekwondo teaches your child co-ordination and leadership. Children as young as 5 years old learn about :-

• coordination
• to distinguish their left from right
• to interact socially with others
• to discipline and focus their mind
• to achieve set tasks and aim even higher

Juniors learn to distinguish from :-

• right and wrong
• learn etiquette
• overcome their fears of bullying etc.
• understand their bodies and achieve mind over matter
• appreciate and learn each and every grade

Taekwondo For Adult

Many adults have the thinking… "I'm too old for this…" or "Can I actually do this?". Always remember, "Yes, you can". This is our Taekwondo motto – Yes, you can. Put aside your doubts, and put your best foot forward. Have perseverance and indomitable spirit, believe in yourself and you shall succeed in whatever you do.

• Have you ever thought of increasing your fitness level?
• How about being a little more self-disciplined?
• Wouldn’t the ability to focus under pressure be valuable?

Taekwondo exercises combines both physical and mental challenges. The workouts are good for muscle conditioning and good for your cardiovascular system. Plus it enhances your flexibility, strength and coordination. And not forgetting the joy of doing something in value with your children.

Taekwondo Belts

Represents the INNOCENCE of the beginner who does not yet have any knowledge of Taekwondo
Represents the EARTH in which the seed of Taekwondo is planted, symbolising a student's latent abilities.
Represents a GROWING SHOOT, symbolising the student's abilities as they start to develop.
Represents the HEAVENS or SKY towards which the shoot is reaching, as the student attempts to reach beyond competence to excellence.
Represents DANGER, a warning to the student to excercise self-control and for opponents to beware.
Represents MATURITY, the opposite of the innocence of the White Belt.

Copy From :http://www.ttscmalaysia.com

:what: Berikut di atas hanyalah pengenalan dan penerangan berkenaan Taekwondo. Pihak SRICU masih mengalu-alukan sekiranya ada anak-anak pelajar yang berminat untuk menyertainya. Sebarang urusan kemasukan dan pembayaran, boleh lah merujuk kepada GPK KOKO- Cik 'Atikah 'Adawiyah dan Cik Mardhia.

..::Belum habis lagi, klik 'Baca Lagi', kalau sudah habis baca sampai-sampaikanlah, Syukran::..

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